The Flickcast: Activision just announced that we are
going to be getting five new DLC characters and a map pack with four
new maps for the game so obviously this is going to be a multiplayer
focused DLC pack. Can you talk to us a little bit about why you wanted
to do some DLC for this game?
Matt Tieger: What we do is we try and listen. We
read the forums. We talk to Transformers fans. We talk to gamers. And we
listen to all the things they were really excited about within the game
and wanted more of, were hungry for more of and that’s what we put in
this pack.
So, five new characters right, several new of those you know were
pre-order characters and people were just rabid to get them so we
listened and we put those in the pack. Shockwave, Jazz and Demolisher,
all available in this DLC pack.
There’s two other guys in there, never
seen before: Scattershot, who’s an Autobot tank, and Onslaught, who’s a
Decepticon truck. Those guys are also cool character designs, really
proud of those but we also wanted to give you more customization options
when you went in to make your characters and so those two character
choice give you another Decepticon truck and another Autobot tank give
you options of things to choose from when you make your multiplayer
FC: The original game came with its set of maps. How
would you describe the new maps which have been added to the game? Can
you compare them to anything that’s currently there or are they all
their own original concepts behind them?
MT: They’re all original concepts. They are all set
within certain environment sets but they’re not cut out of single
player. They’re brand new maps. There’s four of them. Two of them are
all about the competitive multiplayer. They work with all the game modes
that you’ve used and they are what I believe as kind of an evolution of
our understanding of how to use transformation and vehicles.
They better, even than the previous ones, express vehicles. Areas
where you’re confined. Areas where you have jumps. Areas where its open.
It’s great to use a jet here. So that kind of stuff, we’re really
evolving our understanding of vehicles and our maps . They work with all
the game modes.
The other two maps that are in there, all about Escalation. You know
when I listen to what fans want, through forums and stuff, people are
crazy excited about Escalation mode. If any of your (readers) haven’t
heard, Escalation mode is a cooperative experience. You can play online
with up to three other friends where you’re desperately trying to
survive after wave after wave of enemy comes attack and you get this
resource called energon to spend. You gotta buy health. You gotta buy
ammo. But you can also buy a better shot gun. You can buy a repair ray.
You can pool your resources to unlock doors and move to safer
locations or locations where there’s better gear to get which is really
fun. People are having a great time with it. These two maps, they push
two aspects of that. One of them pushes a little more story. You feel
like you evolve as a player. There’s this river of energon in this
underground cavern, it really restricts where you can get to. As a
player, you’re moving around and pulling the pumps to drain the level of
stuff. Within that map, you craft the map. Like it physically changes
based on what you did.
And the other one pushes a new mechanic which I think is pretty cool.
Remember you’re spending those resources to get stuff? We gave you
something new which is this automated turret system so it’s kind of in
this fixed location, you can spend your energon and get an automated
turret. Really useful to have shooting rockets for you.
FC: Especially in a game that’s based on wave after wave after wave of enemies coming at you.
MT: The turret that’s really exciting is the repair
ray turret. You get yourself your repair ray turret. You go back to
back. You’re desperately trying to defend these waves as an automated
system is healing you. It’s a lot of fun. We gave you new characters
that allowed you to do lots more customization stuff. We’re giving you
two new competitive maps. Trying to feed that hunger for more and more
competition and two maps all about that Escalation mode that people are
having a great time with.
FC: Was there a particular reason why you focused on doing a multiplayer DLC pack as opposing to adding like Assassin’s Creed 2 or other games, a single player expansion?
MT: You know, we focused on the multiplayer stuff I
think because as I said we were listening to the fans, that’s the
loudest, most vocal, most rabid ones are those multiplayer gamers.
Obviously everyone has a voice and we try to listen and deliver
everything we can the majority are screaming for more multiplayer
content so that’s where we put our focus.
FC: Since the game has come out, the reviews have
been pretty positive, mostly focusing on the fact that you did hold true
to the G1 storyline. What made you guys come up with the idea of doing a
prequel to the Transformers television show and the movie that so many
of the games now in their 20′s grew up with? What was the inspiration
behind that?
MT: You know, I’m very selfish, right? There was an
opportunity to make a Transformers game that was not based on the movies
that was an original thing. The opportunity there to revisit my
childhood because I know there’s a lot of people like me who watched
those cartoons in the 80′s and just have great memories of it. Cybertron
in that first episode is about thirty seconds and they never go back to
it. I’ve had twenty-five, thirty years to imagine what that could be. I
had to absolutely jump at the chance to take a story there.
FC: From our own perspective, one of the things we
talked about on our site and our review of the game was how it felt like
the game held true to the original story. Did you get any input from
the original creators or did you just take that source material and try
on your own to stick to it?
MT: We did our own thing. Obviously we touched base
with Hasbro all the time. We’ve got some huge, huge, huge Transformers
fans at the studio and what I work on is kind of your nostalgic memories
of those cartoons. It’s a little different from the reality. My focus
was bringing you your nostalgic memories of the cartoon.
I still love them. I watch them with my kids. But we needed to
deliver your memories of those cartoons, not the reality of those
cartoons. That was my role and Cinemax director’s a huge fan. He and I
wrote a lot of the dialogue, almost all of the dialogue which kind of
happens in the game. It was just a great process of a lot of people who
just care a lot about doing a great job.
FC: And did that carry over for you guys, and this
is not to spoil anything because I won’t say what happens at the end of
the game, but the end credits sequence with choosing the game. Is that
just sticking to the nostalgia that you loved about the franchise?
MT: That’s exactly right. Dave can take all the
credit for that because he came to my office like, “Here’s what we want
to do.” It looked fantastic. It’s all about, I know I said it three
times, it’s listening to what fans want and giving it to them. People
love what that music reminds them of what they had going on in the 80′s
and from the movie and that kind of stuff. Just give it to them. Why
deny them that?
So we kind of just grabbed all those elements and just found homes
for them in everything that we did. There are one liners from the movie.
There are one liners from the cartoon. There are visual little elements
that we have influenced by comics. There’s all that stuff because it’s
all about the fans, right?
FC: If given the chance to work on another Transformers—
MT: You bet. In a second I would do it.
FC: (laughs) I had actually already figured that, but where would you like to place it in the Transformers timeline?
MT: That’s a great question. There’s a lot of stuff
going on on Cybertron. There’s things we had to write for back-story or
whatever that I could happily spend another five games on Cybertron.
FC: So almost a prequel to your prequel game?
MT: Maybe before, during, after. I think there’s a
lot of cool stuff that’s happening on that world that I’m not ready to
leave it yet. Timeline-wise, I’d have to really think about where that’d
fit, but I know as a location I’d happily hang out on Cybertron again.
FC: The boss Decepticon, the one you fight at the end, how much of him was inspired by the dynobots?
MT: Not as much as you might think to be honest. You
know, we’ve shown him in trailers so we’re not gonna spoil anything.
But Trypticon, I love dinosaurs. As a character, as a toy he’s one that I
coveted but never had. You know a couple guys in the office him and you
look him and he’s like a big T-Rex. It’s a base. It’s so innately
awesome it had to be in the game.
FC: Alright, well thank you very much for your time.
I have one last question for you before we go. Of all the Transformers
that you got to work on, who is your personal favorite?
MT: Starscream. Big fan of Starscream. Visually I
think he turned out nice but mostly from the story point of view I’m
really with what we did with that character. I’ve always had all these
burning questions about him and Megatron and why Megatron keeps him
around. I felt like we got a chance to explore that territory so I’d
have to push him to the top of my list because we got to do things with
him that we’d never seen anywhere. Like, how did he meet Megatron? It’s
brand new, never in the Transformers universe.
FC: And you guys were actually able to create canon story on how that happened.
MT: Yup, it was pretty awesome.
Make sure to check out the Transformers: War for Cybertron DLC this weekend for a special Double XP weekend from 9:oo PM Pacific Time Friday until 12 AM Pacific Monday!
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